December 28 – December 31, 2017 | Houston, TX
(Check-In begins at 3pm on Thursday.
NYOYS ends with Qurbana at 11am on Sunday. )
About NYOYS:
Hey Syro Nation! Get excited because we have BIG news! We will be celebrating the culmination of Year of Youth with a national gathering at the end of this year. National Year of Youth Summit (NYOYS), will be a weekend spent together in prayer, discussion, fellowship, and fun with SyroMalabar Catholics from across the diocese. We’re calling all youth who have a vested interest in exploring the vision of the Syro Malabar church in America and discerning its future! More schedule/speaker info to come!

“It is very common to see the expression “verso l’alto” on information about Blessed Pier Giorgio. The expression took on a life of its own in the years following his death. Very often, the words can be found on the bottom of a very well-known photo of Pier Giorgio climbing a mountain and gazing upward. Literally, the translation is “toward the top.”
Pier Giorgio actually wrote these words himself on the back of the photo which was taken by a fellow climber on June 7, 1925. Because of Pier Giorgio’s sudden death one month later, it turned out to be his last climb. Although it was never his personal motto, “Verso l’alto” became representative of Pier Giorgio’s earthly life — a constant striving to reach the summit of eternal life.”
As the patron of the Year of Youth, we too reflect on Blessed Frassatti’s personal motto as we join in this Year of Youth summit.
(From: https://frassatiusa.org/verso-lalto)
An event like the National Year of Youth Summit has various costs associated with it to minimize the cost for participants but at the same time deliver a fruitful program and experience. Please follow the link below to donate to this initiative!

The Whitehall Hotel
1700 Smith St
Houston, TX