MAC 3.0
August 11 – August 14, 2022 | Emmitsburg, MD
About MAC:

The Mid-Atlantic Conference is back in 2022 for the gathering of Syro-Malabar Catholics from Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia! With the past few years introducing obstacles in our faith, our Church has seen the youth feel isolated, struggle with their identity, and wonder what their purpose in life is.
MAC 3.0 will be a fun-filled weekend of prayer and fellowship. By learning and discussing our faith and culture together, we can introduce positive changes in the communities we live in. Get ready to build virtuous friendships, compete in games, and deepen your relationship with Christ!
Why MAC?

“Because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost, and has been found.’ Then the celebration began.” Luke 15:24
We’ve spent the past couple of years facing obstacles that have tested our faith and our resilience. The pandemic and rising political issues have impacted all of us and our ways of life. With looming feelings of anxiety about the future, it’s important now more than ever to recognize the presence of God during these tough times.
Similar to the story of the prodigal son, our Father is yearning for us to return home. MAC will serve as an opportunity to recollect and strengthen your relationship with the Lord. Together with other Syro-Malabar youth from the Mid-Atlantic region, we’ll work to renew our faith and experience what God is calling us to be.
We can’t wait to see you at MAC 3.0! Join us this year for an amazing opportunity to encounter the Lord through fellowship and prayer!
An event like MAC has various costs associated with it to minimize the cost for participants but at the same time deliver a fruitful program and experience. Please follow the link below to donate towards this event!

Summit Lake Camp
7610 Hampton Valley Rd
Emmitsburg, MD
Emmitsburg, MD